CARE’s 2018
Alta Badia
Think big, think sustainable. The key issue and virtuous idea behind the 2018 edition was reusing waste. It has been the focus not only of the culinary events, but also of the CARE’s Talks, the conferences with the presence of world-renowned experts dealing with sustainability.
Food and Farming:
sowing small seeds, reaping the benefits
To adopt sustainable practices in food production is often easier when it comes to small businesses. The challenge is more difficult for the realities of larger businesses with “big numbers”. What does large-scale sustainable food specifically mean? What implications does it have on agriculture and nutrition? Can we tackle the subject from other perspectives?
Waste recovery and enhancement for a sustainable recycling
Reducing and recycling residual materials from food production, livestock and wastewater worldwide is a challenge that can be overcome by approaching self-sufficiency practices.
A meeting with small and big realities that, thanks to food recovery and donation projects and the exploitation of agricultural by-products for the production of renewable energy, have learned to reduce and reuse their scraps wisely.
Awards 2018
The event ended with the presentation of the Young Ethical Talent Awards. These awards have been granted to the individuals who have demonstrated outstanding social end ethical commitment in his or her everyday work.
The Young Ethical Chef Award (sponsored by Monograno Felicetti) and the Young Ethical Hospitality Award (sponsored by Ferrari Trento) were given respectively to Lorenzo Vecchia, 26 years old from Pozzuolo Martesana (Milan) and to Francesco Chiarurgi, 26 years old, maitre at restaurant Papaveri e Mare in San Vincenzo (Tuscany).
Moreover the Social Responsibility Award (sponsored by Marchesi 1824), an award for a business that has shown remarkable commitment to sustainability, care for the land and environmental protection, was given to Giacomo Perletti and Matteo Trapletti from Contrada Bricconi, an agricultural startup located inside a renovated farmstead of the 16th century in Valzurio (Bergamo).
The trophies were produced in a perfectly ethical way by Vetroricerca, a foundry in Bolzano that uses waste materials such as beer, wine and sparkling wine bottles.
CARE's Young Ethical Hospitality Award - Ferrari Trento
Francesco Chirurgi
CARE's Young Ethical Chef Award - Monograno Felicetti
Lorenzo Vecchia
CARE’s Social Responsibility Award - Marchesi 1824
Giacomo Perletti & Matteo Trapletti – Contrada Bricconi Oltressenda Alta (BG)
Our Chefs 2018
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