24 – 25 September & 1 – 2 October 2021
Innovate, promoting positive change, caring: since the first edition, these have been the pillars of our ethical actions.
And yet, now more than ever, this time of uncertainty for the sustainable catering sector sets the stage for broader reflections that redefine the borders of ethics and waste reduction, connect different market sectors and generate new questions.
So, the CARE’s CHALLENGE becomes an opportunity to find an answer to today’s challenges, conscious of the fact that the future has not been written yet and that this is the right time to do it, once again, together.
CARE’s Talks
The CARE’s Talks were a great occasion to listen to the social and ethical commitment of our partners.
Find out more about the ideas and projects they shared with us.
Awards 2021
This year, two important awards were once again delivered for particular distinctions in sustainable gastronomy:
The Young Ethical Chef Award (sponsored by Monograno Felicetti, with support from Acadèmia) was given to Cinzia De Lauri and Sara Nicolosi from Altatto (Milan, Italy) for their commitment in exploring sustainable solutions and making them part of their cuisine.
The Social Responsibility Award (sponsored by Marchesi 1824) was handed out to Carol Choi and Francesco Scarrone from Rantan (Piedmont, Italy), who offer a true immersion in their home in the Alps, which reflects their care for the land and environmental protection.
Both trophies were produced by Vetroricerca, a foundry based in Bolzano which gives new life to a diversity of waste glass, such as beer and wine bottles.
Our Chefs 2021
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