CARE’s 2017
Summer Edition - Salina
From the Dolomites to Salina. During the first summer edition, earth, sea and energy have been the elements that the audience looked at more in depth to learn about the sustainable use of three of the most important resources on our planet.
food identity and responsible consumption
The financial crisis is one of the reasons that in recent years consumers have taken an increasing interest in and become more critical of the goods they purchase, including food. Besides quality and cost, other criteria are taken into consideration when making decisions, such as the food’s origin, how it has been raised or grown, and the environmental impact of how it is produced: a way to give dignity back to food that has been devalued by the process of commercialisation. Another point, what role do online communities play in promoting sustainable and responsible consumption?
sustainable management of marine resources
Uncontrolled urban development, unfettered tourism, industrial waste and unregulated fishing are causing enormous damage to our marine resources. Resources that do not merely concern food, but also energy production, transport and tourism. Using them sustainably so that they have the space and the time to regenerate naturally is now essential to protect our waters and ourselves. A look at the most appropriate approaches and strategies to maintain biodiversity, to respect communities and to safeguard environmental conditions.
when innovation and sustainability go at the same speed
The developments in terms of connectivity over the last decade have multiplied the speed of technological growth and everything relating to it exponentially. An essential resource for this transformation is energy, the energy that allows us to always be connected in real time, to share our knowledge and experiences, to ensure they are always in communication, and to move increasingly closer towards zero emissions. With the help of the speakers at this CARE’s Talk, we will explored sustainable energy may be the most advantageous solution to deal intelligently and ethically with the future of innovation.
Awards 2017
The event ended with the appointment of the Social Responsibility Award (sponsored by Marchesi 1824), an award for a business or individual that has shown remarkable commitment to sustainability, care for the land and environmental protection.
This year the award was given to Francesca Iurlaro, doctorate student with a master’s degree in philosophy, for her academic work related to the ethics of food.
The winner had also been granted with a scholarship aimed to create an academic article concerning the CARE’s experience.
CARE’s Social Responsibility Award - Marchesi 1824
Francesca Iurlaro – Doctorate Student
Our Chefs 2017
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